Awareness raising event for alarming levels of air pollution in Osona

15th July, 2016 | Vic (Spain)

 The particularities of the atmospheric pollution  in Osona, their effects and strategies to minimize it.

The meteorological and orographic feature of the comarca of Osona in Catalonia means that air pollution is concentrated and values are exceeded alarmingly. There are different contaminants that affect the area: the tropospheric ozone, the particulate matter and the hydrocarbons. Recently the Regional Council recognized the problem and promised to support the fight against pollution. As a result  different environmental organizations and the Regional Council have organized this event to deepen the knowledge about atmospheric pollution in Osona, their consequences on health and discuss policies and tools to fight the problem.

CAPTOR, developed together with the spanish partners Ecologistas en Acción, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Superior Council of research scientists-CSIC and, will also be presented. Project representatives will introduce the campaign of citizens measuring tropospheric ozone levels, which will start this summer in Osona and other areas of Catalonia.

Cartell jornada contaminació atmosfèrica3

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