Information campaign & search for volunteers at the Christmas market on Karlsplatz in Vienna

It’s the end of November, temperatures feel more like a late summer evening, but the christmas markets have opened already.  There is no sign of high ozone measurements in Vienna, but we still used the opportunity to present Captor at the market near Viennas  technical university TU. There we could reach a wide range of[…]

CAPTOR Presentation to GLOBAL 2000 volunteering group from the “Umweltkulturpraktikum”

On 17th November16 we presented the project and the measuring device CAPTOR at the Umweltkulturpraktikum (UKP) from GLOBAL 2000. At UKP environmental interested students get involved in different projects and they take part at seminars about various environmental issues. We explained basics on ozone pollution, presented the self built CAPTOR and asked them on their[…]

The first CAPTORS have been installed in Austria

Last summer the CAPTOR-Team Austria was waiting patiently for the  first 3 CAPTOR measuring devices to arrive. After beeing built and tested in Spain  we got 3  CAPTORS. We installed them at 3 official measuring stations from the Federal Environmental Agency (in Illmitz) and the the Air Quality department of the Province of Lower Austria[…]