CAPTOR AIR: Check the ozone that you breathe and act!

captorAIR use the data from CAPTOR nodes which are sensing devices designed to monitor ozone pollution in three different European regions. They are low cost sensors implemented in a citizen science approach, to increase population awareness with regard to ozone pollution. Because the low cost sensors have higher uncertainty than official reference instrumentation, the data generated by the CAPTOR nodes should only be considered informative and not be used for regulatory compliance purposes. In order to ensure their comparability with reference instruments, the CAPTOR nodes have been previously calibrated by comparison with EU reference instrumentation data from local air quality networks. CAPTOR nodes are deployed during summer periods in the houses of volunteers.

  • Spain: Barcelonès, Maresme, Vallès,
  • Italy: Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna
  • Austria: Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Steiermark

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