CAPTOR Tour 2018 in Austria

Sibylle Egger (Global 2000), Barbara Kieslinger (ZSI) and Sylvana Kroop (ZSI) on CAPTOR Tour 2018 in Austria.

This summer, for the last time in this project, we are testing our ozone measuring devices CAPTOR and RAPTOR in our pilot regions in Spain, Italy and Austria. These innovative, cost-effective meters invented by our partner in France record the ozone levels in all our pilot regions from the beginning of July to September. The recorded ozone data ​​from last summer in our pilot region in southern Austria show that we at least do not have the same ozone concentration as in our comparison regions in Spain and Italy. This summer of 2018, our pilot region in Austria is located around Vienna. The live data for the daily ozone concentration can be easily accessed by anyone via our app “captorAIR” (download via Google Store).

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