How to become a CAPTOR offspring partner

You are interested in becoming an CAPTOR offspring Partner? That is great, there ares some easy steps to follow: First of all, answer the following questionnaire. Questionnaire and requirements check   How to proceed: 1.) Please return this questionnaire to or to your personal contact from the CAPTOR contact consortium. The CAPTOR team will[…]

Transport policies to face Air Pollution and Climate Change – Workshop conclusions in the III Catalan Enviromental Congress

More than 80 organisations took part in the III Congress of the III Catalan Enviromental Congress last february 16th,  to address the future environmental challenges of Catalonia and influence in public policies. The 140 participants gathered in 6 workshops concluded 40 prominent challenges. Maria García from Ecologistas en Acción was responsible for the organization of[…]

Climate change and air pollution: a common challenge

The First Catalan Conference on Environmental Law was held during the days 17,18,19 of January in Tarragona (Spain) and has pretended to be an open space for debate and exchange between academia, administrations, economic actors and social organizations, with international participation. The Conferences were  organized by the Tarragona Centre for Environmental Law Studies, of the[…]

CAPTOR AIR: Check the ozone that you breathe and act!

captorAIR use the data from CAPTOR nodes which are sensing devices designed to monitor ozone pollution in three different European regions. They are low cost sensors implemented in a citizen science approach, to increase population awareness with regard to ozone pollution. Because the low cost sensors have higher uncertainty than official reference instrumentation, the data[…]

Ozone report in Spain 2017: Climate change increases the air pollution by ozone

The report on ozone pollution published today by Ecologists in Action concludes that 81% of the population and 87% of Spanish territory have been exposed this year to levels of ozone, exceeding the limits set by the World Health Organisation. The causes of this problem include: the prevailing meteorological conditions, climate change, the increase in[…]