How to become a CAPTOR offspring partner

You are interested in becoming an CAPTOR offspring Partner? That is great, there ares some easy steps to follow:

First of all, answer the following questionnaire.

Questionnaire and requirements check


How to proceed:

1.) Please return this questionnaire to or to your personal contact from the CAPTOR contact consortium.

The CAPTOR team will do the evaluation and decide on offspring partners for CAPTOR.

2.) We will ask you to send us your project idea, reflected in a business model.

3.) According to your requirements and geographical setting you will get an offpspring – coach.

4.) 2018 we will give workshops, where you can participate.

We will present the selected partners on the captor webpage.

As an offspring partner you will get the following:

– Handbook(s)

-Advice on financing options for your project.

– Instructions by video

– Access to our captor network

– A starter kit including material for a RAPTOR and/or CAPTOR.

– Support and expertise during the initial phase by an offspring-coach.

Any questions?

Send us an Email: or contact a national partner in Austria, Italy or Spain. You find all partner-organisations on our webpage:

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