Here you find a list of deliverables, publications and reports published by CAPTOR and updated regularly.
Map of ozone measuring data from 2018:
Map of ozone measuring data from 2017:
Raw Data & mapping visualisation Code:
The collected ozone data from CAPTOR on Zenodo:
Ambient air ozone concentrations using metal-oxide low-cost sensors: Spain and Italy, summer 2018
Ambient air ozone concentrations using metal-oxide low-cost sensors: Spain and Italy, summer 2017
CAPTOR impact:
Socio demographic characteristics of interviewees (CAPTOR hosts, 2017, 2018)
Impact categories identified from interviews
Public deliverables (draft; to be reviewed and accepted early 2019):
This deliverable is a continuation of Deliverable 2.3 that described how the data taken from the CAPTOR ozone sensor nodes was processed in order to produce ozone data with certain degree of quality. In this deliverable the software implementation produced for calibrating Ozone in CAPTOR nodes is described.
The aim of this deliverable is to report on the initial testing of sensor nodes during the summer 2017 monitoring campaign. This deliverable presents a review of the nodes deployed during the campaign and the periods of time during which they were operational.
The aim of this deliverable is to report on data validation during the summer 2017 monitoring campaign. This deliverable presents a review of the CAPTOR and RAPTOR nodes deployed during the campaign and the data they reported, focusing on data quality and validation. It includes also the first quantitative results on ozone concentrations of the project for the Austria and Italy testbeds, and the second campaign results for the Spanish testbed (after the 2016 summer campaign). It also reports on data generation.
This report presents the results of “citizen engagement” for the year 2017, with a specific focus on the national empowerment strategies and activities achieved in the three testbed areas in Spain, Italy and Austria. “Monitoring campaign” and “citizen science” are the key words of this deliverable.
This report presents the results of citizen empowerment for a “collaborative learning process” achieved during the second year of the project; actions, dissemination materials, participation in workshops and all activities realized in 2017 concerning the “air pollution” topic are presented with a particular attention to the number of people involved and to the citizens and stakeholders sensitised, not only in the three testbed areas but also at national level in the participating countries. For this reason this report shows also a detailed list of the national activities and the empowerment strategies achieved.
This deliverable describes the evaluation outcomes from two measurement campaigns (2016, 2017), where the first one took place in Spain only and the second one was organised and evaluated in all three testbeds.
Here are the pre- and post-questionnaire distributed to CAPTOR hosts at the beginning and the end of the measurement campaign (CAPTORHostsPre-Questionnaires_english_2017, CAPTORHosts_Post-Questionnaires_english_2017).
The aim of this deliverable is to report about the dissemination material elaborated during the second year project, e.g. content for CAPTOR website, leaflets, videos, T-shirts, press material, etc. The material has been aligned with the target audiences as described in D6.1. (general public and specific stakeholders) and aims to keep them informed as well as actively engaged in the project according to different levels of involvement and periods of time.
This deliverable describes a key activity for WP 7, the scenario building workshop. After a description and report on 2017’s scenario building workshop session with consortium members, the method of Future Workshop from the researcher Jungk is explained. A detailed workshop concept for 2018’ workshop is given, which can be adapted by project partners according to their foci.
Public deliverables (reviewed and accepted):
- Requirements for CAPTOR platform (D2.1)
- Release of electrochemical board design at M9 (D2.2)
- Release of estimation software at M9 (D2.3)
- Release of open data repository (D2.4)
- Mobile App development (D2.5)
- Release of collaborative learning platform (D2.6)
- Release of website (D2.7)
- Release of electrochemical board design at M18 (D2.8)
- Requirements and procedures for air pollution campaign (D3.1)
- Report on initial testing of sensor nodes at M10 (D3.2)
- Report on data validation at M10 (D3.3)
- Engagement and monitoring plan (D4.1)
- Engagement and empowerment report for citizen science at M12 (D4.2)
- Engagement and empowerment report for collaborative learning at M12 (D4.3)
- Impact assessment plan (D5.1)
- Dissemination, communication and outreach plan (D6.1)
- Dissemination material at M12 (D6.2)
- Exploitation and sustainability plan (D7.1)
Dissemination releases:
- CAPTOR Poster at the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016 (CAPTOR_poster_February2016_ZSI) – 18. Febuary 2016
- CAPTOR Poster at the at the International Citizen Science Conference 2016 (CAPTOR_Ecsa2016_ZSI)– 18. May 2016
- CAPTOR Flyer (captor_flyer_may2016) – first version – 18. May 2016